The following is a list of historical documents, videos, articles and sundry information that has been compiled as part of an Investigative Newspaper Article Series on safety and regulatory issues regarding Lake Petit Dam.
Regulatory Legal References:
Historical Record:
- 1998-12-08 Geosyntec’s Final Report on Stability & Rehab (228 Pgs)
- 2017-07-05 Appendix B-Original JJ&G Inudation Modeling from 2000
* need to find full Draft EAP Submittal. Above is partial section.
- 2017-07-05 Appendix B-Original JJ&G Inudation Modeling from 2000
2020-xx-xx 25 Page Geosyntec Dive Report (not available)
- 2020-xx-xx Geosyntec Camera Drain Report (not available)
NOTE: Big Canoe has refused to provide these documents
- 2022-10-29 Rev 4 Draft EAP Submitted (157 Pgs; 12Mb PDF)
- 2022-11-23
- ……. Partial Signature Page (Click Here)
…….. Cover Letter to Signature page (Click Here)
- * at this point the LLO has not been tested in 50 years.
- 2023-09-01 Open Records Request to GA Safe Dams
+ Email Cover Letter <<< important reference information!
- 2023-09-01 Open Records Request to GA Safe Dams
- RFQ – Seismic Stability Analysis Review Put Out On 2023-09-05
– To WSP Engineers
– To Schnabel Eng.
– To Freese and Nichols, Inc.
—- Freese and Nichols Bid Response (2023-09-12)
– Copy of the Scope of Work
– 2023-04-28 Petit Dam Stability Analysis by Geosyntec (109 Pgs)
* NOTE: Above Stability Analysis Report provided to reviewers is NOT the full 132 Page Rpt originally submitted by Geosyntec. One missing page specific to the Original Report was conspicuously absent, and partially detailed previous Non-Approved attempts by Geosyntec to qualify the Dam as having acceptable stability. No explanation as to why that and other previous Analyses by other Engineers like JJ&G (see Pg 14) that actually showed Stability FAILURE, were not included, nor the fact that GSD subsequently notified Big Canoe that the Petit Dam did not meet Stability Requirements, and then shortly thereafter put the Dam under Non-Compliance for failure to meet Stability Requirements (and yet subsequently for 25 years no enforcement has followed, nor has the order to begin Rehabilitation Construction been complied with). It is hard to understand how failing to provide this information as part of the Information Packet to the Engineers that are bidding on this job is fair to the engineering firms involved in the Requested Reviews, nor to the process.
- RFQ – Seismic Stability Analysis Review Put Out On 2023-09-05
- 2024-06-06 Lake Petit Dam New Permit (9 Pg PDF w/conditions)
- 2024-07-25 LPD LLO Designs, Comments (18 Pg PDF)
- 2024-08-13 LPD LLO Design Approval and Conditions
- 2024-06-06 Lake Petit Dam New Permit (9 Pg PDF w/conditions)
- 2025-02-21 Lake Petit Spillway Replacement Plan (234 Pg PDF)
* above is a large 25mb file.
- 2025-02-21 Lake Petit Spillway Replacement Plan (234 Pg PDF)
- next
Disclaimer: This website is a news project of Big Canoe’s sole investigative newspaper, Focus on Big Canoe, GA. This list of references is incomplete, and is a work in progress. The documents have been collected through Open Records Requests (GORA & FOIA), Q&A or Interview with various parties, personal inspections, and review of publicly available information. The goal is to eventually create a comprehensive and permanent record in order to keep the public informed of facts surrounding this substantial public safety concern, and to serve as a resource reference for any future articles by 3rd party media sources, or any eventual enforcement, civil or criminal actions that may be warranted. These documents are being uploaded in no particular order, except that some priority is being given to documents that are currently being referenced in public articles on this topic. Questions regarding the materials herein can be directed to:
10887 Big Canoe
Big Canoe GA 30143
Focus on Big Canoe is a division of The Mountains Voice.